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At Wild Peace Sanctuary we are restoring native habitat and creating a sanctuary for wildlife with a small herd of wild horses and burros rescued from abuse, neglect, and abandonment. We offer a seasonal program of skill-based workshops and gatherings, and healing support for individuals, families, and groups. We hope to raise awareness of the issues surrounding the plight of wild equines in the US, and demonstrate their beneficial presence on the land as a native keystone species. Our aim is to reconnect people, animals and the land in ways that cultivate healing, nurture reciprocity, and support sustainability.




We are engaged in a range of regenerative practices drawn from the fields of rewilding, permaculture, equiculture, and ancestral ways of living and being with the land. Our grazing animals are the key to our work, as their movements across the land

help to create a rich and dynamic mosaic of native habitats for wildlife, and their nutrient-rich fertilizer enables us

to grow organic foodOur aim is to develop a closed loop system of regenerative and sustainable living.


Natural disturbance from large-bodied grazing herbivores is a fundamental element in rewilding and regenerating land and encouraging a diversity of plants, animals, insects, fungi, and other organisms. Working alongside our rescued equines, we are introducing key regional trees, shrubs, and plants to enhance native habitat for bees, butterflies and other pollinators; and cultivating a living medicine cabinet and food forest for our resident herd, human stewards, native wildlife, and wildlife displaced by industrial logging practices in coastal Oregon. 



Our seasonal program offers hands-on workshops in practical and ancestral skills and knowledge, such as working with edible and medicinal plants, restoring and maintaining native habitat with animals and traditional hand tools, and exploring nature-based

arts and crafts. Other events are aimed at supporting healing in community and building resilience for the challenges of

our time, as we remember and reclaim some of our original ways of connecting with each other and the land.



Each year, tens of thousands of wild horses and burros are rounded up from public lands to make way for private and corporate industry. Most end up confined for life, at tax-payer expense, in barren, crowded, and shelterless government-run facilities, or are funneled into the slaughter pipeline. The tragic irony is that these gentle keystone herbivores are our allies in this time of climate instability and food insecurity, as their beneficial presence improves soil health, increases biodiversity, enables food production, and prevents wildfire.


We provide healing support for individuals, families, and groups through nature-based practices, equine-assisted healing work, and contemplative practices such as meditation and earth-honoring ceremony. Alongside our work with restoring outer landscapes,

we offer ways to regenerate and rewild the inner landscapes of mind, body, heart and soul; to support an embodied

understanding of our interconnectedness with all life, and to tend to ourselves and each other as a part of nature.



We make mineral-rich compost from the raw manure that our resident herd provides, mixed with organic matter and coastal amendments. The end result is a nutrient-rich, slow release, bio-fertilizer produced by the earthworms, millipedes, other invertebrates, and microorganisms that digest these materials. We use some of our compost and liquid plant fertilizers to grow organic fruit and vegetables, and donate the rest to local ecological restoration groups such as Concerned Citizens for Clean Air or to support local food security and Indigenous food sovereignty.


Your support helps us to care for our small herd of rescued and rehomed wild horses and burros, and continue to raise awareness of

the desperate plight of wild horses and burros in the US, as we demonstrate their natural capacity to rewild and regenerate
the land. In addition, your support helps us to develop our seasonal program of nature-based classes and workshops in

ancestral knowledge, skills, and crafts; and enables us to keep offering our events and services on donation.


“I am very happy to support Wild Peace Sanctuary with the work they are doing as they are helping

animals, land and people to heal, and are doing essential work in raising awareness

around the very serious animal welfare and ecological issues surrounding

the mistreatment of wild horses and burros in North America."

Louise Duffy  /  Plymouth, UK

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